If you describe yourself as an animal, what animal would that be?
I had been ever told by a teacher that I’m like an elegant giraffe.
Some part of my personality is indeed like a steady giraffe.
作品 : 長頸鹿
作者 : Erica
材質 : 油彩畫布+ 實木內框 (不含外框)
尺寸 : 65.0×53.0 cm
售價 : $6,888.
說明 : 現貨
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關於顏色: | 因電腦螢幕色差不同,螢幕上商品顏色與實物會有些許的差距,請以商品實際顏色為主! |
關於尺寸: | 手工測量,所顯示的數據均有2-3公分的誤差,請您諒解。 |